Do you ever feel like you’re stuck and don’t know where to follow your next path? You may wish there were a way to discover your passion, determine what you’re great at, and even uncover what you’re not good at (so you can outsource that 😉). I have the perfect person for you to talk to and receive those answers. The next article for Women in Business series highlights Tamara Wamsley, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach.

Journey of Tamara – Turning Discontent into Purpose
Tamara Wamsley's journey began in a job that drained her spirit and affected her health. Feeling trapped and unfulfilled, she embarked on a quest for change. About a decade ago, she found herself in a position where each day felt like a struggle. The job she held was completely out of alignment with who she was, leading to a sense of dread every Monday and a profound dissatisfaction with her daily commute. The toll on her well-being became evident as she experienced multiple panic attacks each day, affecting her sleep, and leaving her physically and emotionally exhausted.
Despite her discontent, Tamara was unsure of how to proceed. Approaching her forties and with family responsibilities, she felt stuck in a cycle of misery. It was during this tumultuous time that a friend introduced her to CliftonStrengths, a pivotal moment that would change the course of her life. Taking the assessment provided Tamara with invaluable insight into her natural talents, offering a glimmer of clarity amidst the uncertainty. With newfound direction, she began making gradual pivots in her career, aligning her professional pursuits with her innate strengths.
The transformative power of leveraging her strengths became increasingly apparent as Tamara navigated her career path. Eventually, in 2018, she obtained certification as a Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach, solidifying her commitment to empowering others through their strengths. Witnessing widespread job dissatisfaction, Tamara envisions a world where everyone finds fulfillment in their work. She authored a book centered on uncovering one's soul mission, firm in her belief that everyone is here to contribute uniquely to the world.
Today, Tamara's passion lies in conducting workshops and coaching sessions, where she empowers others to harness their strengths and pursue their true calling. She believes that by aligning with one's strengths, individuals can not only find professional success but also experience a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives. Through her own journey and her dedication to helping others, Tamara embodies the transformative impact of living authentically and embracing one's strengths.
Ambitious Women
Naming her company was a breeze—Tamara simply uses her own name, Tamara Wamsley. After years of trying different approaches, she realized that simplicity was key. Her brand as, "The Ambitious Chick," embodies her mission to empower women to leverage their strengths in entrepreneurship. With a background in marketing, she focuses on personal branding tailored to individual strengths, facilitating business growth.
Tamara can relate to feeling trapped in a job despite its perks. It seemed great on the surface, but it felt more like a prison over time. The lack of clarity and confidence kept her there longer than she should have been. Now, she’s driven to help others break free from similar situations. She believes it's crucial to find the right fit between person and role, ensuring alignment with one's soul.
Tamara has identified her average client as a busy mom working in a corporate job, who aspires to become an entrepreneur. This client usually has older children, which afford her some flexibility to pursue business ventures on the side. Additionally, the client is motivated to create a more fulfilling professional life and is ready to harness her strengths to make it happen.
Strategizing Growth
What sets Tamara apart from her competition is her certification as a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. By honing on her clients' top five strengths, Tamara offers a personalized approach to entrepreneurship that leverages their unique abilities. With a top strength in strategy, she excels at helping women overcome obstacles and navigate the path from where they are to where they want to be. With her extensive background in corporate and expertise in technology, marketing, and personal branding, Tamara equips her clients with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.
In addition to private and group coaching, Tamara also provides corporate services, including team building and online workshops tailored to remote teams. This allows organizations to enhance communication and collaboration among team members, leading to greater productivity and success.
At this point, Tamara’s main goal is business growth, along with expanding her reach and visibility. She’s found herself caught in a bit of a loop, unsure whether to focus on marketing, supporting women in starting their businesses, or aiding individuals in finding their ideal jobs. It's been a bit of a juggling act. However, she believes she’s found a promising middle ground that encompasses all these aspects. It's like they say, sometimes you're too close to see the bigger picture. She’s been in that position where she couldn't quite figure it out on her own and needed someone else's insight to guide her forward, which helps her relate with her clients since she’s been in their shoes.
Purposeful Living
Tamara draws on inspiration from a palliative care professional, Bronnie Ware, who would care for people during their last days of life. During this care-giving time, Bronnie learned from the people the similarities in people’s regrets, which led to her authoring the book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Tamara read the book and recalls, “The number one regret that Bronnie had found among her patients was that they had wished for the courage to live a life true to themselves and not a life that others expected of them.” After reading this regret, Tamara realized that she was also living that same life of not living a true life and decided she needed to change that not only for herself but also help other people change into living a truer life. Tamara does not want that regret nor wishes that regret on anyone else either. Thus, one of her reasons for her business.
Another person Tamara is inspired by is Cathy Heller, podcast host and motivational coach. She loves the energy and guidance Cathy provides for her audience. Tamara can see herself walking down the same path as Cathy as a goal to aspire to as well.
Tamara would love to sit down with Jen Sincero, an author, speaker, and success coach. Jen is most notable for her Badass book series including You Are a Badass at Making Money, You Are a Badass Every Day, and Badass Habits. Tamara has read all of Jen’s books multiple times and finds her work not only inspirational for the way she narrates the books, but also appreciates her approach of combining humor into her messages. Tamara would enjoy getting to know Jen and learning from her as her words ring true when needed most. Tamara recommends all of Jen Sincero’s books!
Keep Going
When asked what advice Tamara would give to fellow entrepreneurs, she says, “Keep going. It’s easy to quit and there’s a lot of obstacles, but just keep trying!” These words may be something you’ve heard again and again, but eventually if you do keep trying then you’ll find the place you were meant to be, and your goals achieved. You may find yourself having to pivot from time to time as you navigate through the world of business. As you’re weaving through your business aspirations, you may find that you need further clarity but that won’t happen until you take the first step and then the next step and then continuing until you…keep going!
Tamara finds herself, when she needs that little bit of extra motivation herself, using her own advice. She is drawn to her business because it’s her purpose to help people. Her inner self and soul are telling her not to stop, so she aspires to keep going and doing.
Find Your Strengths
Start your journey to self-discovery today! Uncover your strengths that will create a more purposeful life by working with Tamara. You can schedule a session by going to her website or any social media platform at Tamara Wamsley. On her website, you can also sign up for her mailing list and receive notification of Workshops and tips. So, as she mentions keep trying and find your strengths today!
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