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Rejection is Redirection


Approximately a month ago, I was listening to a book, Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson and I was inspired to start blogging daily. Well, that quickly turned into let’s do at least three times a week as I wanted realistic scheduling posting. Thus far, I've managed to uphold this routine consistently, sharing guides, inspirations, and resources for fellow entrepreneurs.

Navigating ideas three times a week can be a bit overwhelming at times, but as I was perusing FaceBook today, I found a post that inspired me for today’s blog. The post I shared on EmpowerHer Venture’s Facebook page was from Foundr with a quote from Ronnie Teja, “There is no linear path of entrepreneurship. You have to fail to find out.”

That post spoke to me to share because there have been so many times when I have failed – whether it was a business, a product, or even an ad that flopped! It made me think of a message I recently heard from an event I attended with Fabien Frederickson and she said, “rejection is redirection.”

This message resonated with me at the event and is again. I’m not sure yet why it is resonating with me as often times we don’t even realize something until hindsight, but I think that is a powerful message to know that just because something didn’t work out like you thought it would doesn’t mean it’s a failure and you’re going to give up completely! It means that we learn from it and go in another direction, perhaps it’s one that you never even thought to consider. Over time, clarity emerges, revealing the wisdom in shifting course. It's akin to the adage - when one door closes, another opens.

I was inspired today to make this my blog because perhaps you’re reading this and something in your life was not as you thought it would be and now you will redirect to something better. Of course, it’s probably the universe’s way of saying – “hey, I have a plan in mind, and you need to move over here!” When you’re in the moment of the “failing feeling” you can’t usually see what that redirect may be, but in time it becomes clearer and later you’re like “Oohhhhh, that’s why I switched paths to get me here!”

I can remember a time back in college when I was getting my Associates of Arts (AA) degree before transferring to Florida State University (FSU), I was originally getting a general AA and didn’t know what I wanted to do specifically. I’m sure many of you can relate to that during college, or heck maybe even now you’re feeling that way! Somewhere along the way prior to my second year, I had a thought that I wanted to obtain my Business AA degree. I figured out what additional classes I needed to take for the coming year and started going down that path. I knew I liked business and learning about it, but I didn’t really know ultimately why that thought came to me. Redirect.

Fast forward to my first day at FSU and I thought I was going to be an interior designer…. Wrong again! I went into the classes, and I thought, nope this not for me; I’m in the wrong classes as even though I do enjoy designing aspects, there was too much art involved for me. So, I thought what do I enjoy? Again, the thought of - I like business and real estate. I went to my advisor and inquired on what to take and she initially said, you should do our Entrepreneurial program. I’m like that’s a degree? Interestingly, I did not choose that path, but instead decided to major in Finance and Real Estate – two of my favorite things. Even though I knew I wanted to have my own business, somehow a degree in entrepreneurship didn’t seem right – perhaps that was the realist in me. However, later it hit me… that’s why I switched to Business back when getting my AA because as there was a different path for me. Those classes I took previously helped tremendously when I changed majors to the Business School at FSU. Redirect.

Today, I have a real estate venture, an online store, and a consulting business. I’d say the business path was, so far, the universe telling me what to do in redirection. I don’t know what else is in store for me or why that message is resonating now, but perhaps I’ll know soon enough or in a few years when I look back 20/20.

In any thought, hope whoever needs to hear this story today is reminded about any rejection you may be dealing with and know that a redirection is coming!


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