For those of you who enjoy discussing mindset or are fascinated by how the mind works,

this article is for you. I've always loved diving into the inner workings of the mind, whether through books, conversations, or my own reflections on improving my mindset. Lately, I’ve been reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy, and it’s been an eye-opener.
The book is packed with powerful affirmations and examples showing how what we tell ourselves, and what we believe, shapes our reality. One key takeaway that really stood out to me is the idea that our subconscious mind absorbs and reflects what our conscious mind predominantly thinks. If you want to shift your subconscious, you simply need to tell it to change. It listens to what you feed it. How simple is that? And yet, it makes perfect sense. After all, it’s called the “sub”-conscious mind for a reason! Of course, there are more complexities to it, but that basic principle is a great starting point for retraining your mind to heal and redirect your thoughts based on what you believe now—or what you want for the future.
This method of consciously directing the subconscious is something I’ve actually been doing since childhood, without even realizing it. I remember having a recurring nightmare that was so unpleasant. I was tired of dreaming about it, so I told myself, “I don’t want to dream this anymore.” And that was it—I never had that dream again. It was my first glimpse into the power of the subconscious.
As I got older, I noticed it happening in other areas of my life, even if I wasn’t fully aware of it. I remember a friend once telling me, “Everything always seems to work out for you.” That comment made me pause because, in my mind, plenty of things hadn’t gone as planned. But in hindsight, maybe it was for the best that they didn’t. Reflecting on those moments, I began to realize how powerful my subconscious mind had been all along, helping me heal thoughts I didn’t want. Now, I actively work to use this power to my advantage, transforming the “untruths” I’ve told myself into something far more beneficial.
We all deal with untruths. These are the stories we tell ourselves that limit us. For example, if you keep telling yourself that you’re bad at sales, guess what? You’ll continue to be bad at sales. But what if you change that narrative? Start telling yourself, “My sales are improving every day.” Say it until you believe it. It might take a few minutes each day—or even all day—but once you believe it, you’ll start to see it come true. That old belief about being bad at sales? It’s now just an untruth you used to tell yourself. And once your mindset shifts, the universe tends to follow suit.
There are countless untruths we all carry, and often, it takes someone else’s perspective to help us see that. A few weeks ago, I was working out with my trainer, and we were doing hanging knee-to-chest exercises. I casually said, “My grip sucks; I can only do a few reps.” Without missing a beat, she shot back, “No, it doesn’t.” That quick correction made me rethink everything. She was right—why had I been telling myself that for so long? The next week, I completed all the reps and sets without an issue. That simple mindset shift made all the difference.
So, what untruths are you telling yourself? Is there a goal you're after, but you’ve convinced yourself it’s out of reach? Let’s flip the script. Turn that untruth into a truth, and watch how your thoughts—and your world—transform.
The mind is such a fascinating tool, and I’m excited to see where I can go by letting go of my old untruths and embracing new possibilities. And this doesn’t just apply to personal growth—it’s relevant in business too. Maybe you’ve told yourself you’re not cut out for business, or you don’t know where to start, or you don’t have a great idea. Well, if you keep thinking that way, that’s what you’ll keep believing. Instead, start telling yourself, “I’m improving my business knowledge every day,” and “Opportunities and ideas are everywhere.” Watch what happens when you start thinking this way.
These are just my thoughts, but they’ve helped me, and I hope they can help you too. Let me know in the comments—what untruths have you turned into truths? How has it changed things for you?
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