Recently, I was listening to the book Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson. For those that don't know who he is, he's the founder of Click Funnels, one of the suppliers who provide funnel services for the world of e-commerce. If Click Funnels sounds unfamiliar too you, then you are definitely my audience as currently my specialty is helping newbies in the ecommerce business start a store. We can explore Click Funnels in another blog post, but for now let's get back to today's topic.
The book inspired me to challenge myself to blog every day and post it on my social media; after all, consistency is one of the most important steps in ecommerce. With all that I am doing with my store and other ventures, I decided that 3-5 times a week would be more sufficient for my workload. I made a plan last night to schedule when I would post and today is the day that I am making myself blog. However, how quickly am I like "well what should I write about?" There are a million things I could tell you about and of course my mind goes blank. I'm sure you've been there yourself.
Instead of getting frustrated, I go to ChatGPT to help me determine what to write. And as I'm using the tool, I realize why don't I write about using ChatGPT to explain how I use it for my stores and businesses.
ChatGPT and other AI sources are great resource tools to aid in your business. Type in a command of which you can get really granular with and voila, it outputs a whole story, ideas, or other requests you input. It's amazing, right?! Well, it is but, it doesn't always provide the information I'm looking for or the output is not right for the situation. Therefore, I use it as a brainstorming tool. A source that I input my ideas, then change it up, and somewhere in between the commands and output, I get an idea that works for me. There's still editing involved so I can tell the story that I want, but for the most part it's like having someone there to bounce ideas off of until the one I like comes to the light.
Today, I started out trying to determine what I'm going to tell you all, go to ChatGPT to find ideas, and then realize my post is about telling you how I like to use ChatGPT. There you have it, the brainstorming worked! Of course, you can use any AI you like or an actual person to bounce ideas off it. I think it's a nice tool to use, especially during your early startup phases when you aren't able to hire immediately other partners or employees.
Check out the source for yourself, play around with it and see what ideas you come up with. Then we you get your business idea, come back to our programs and see how to get started!